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Welcome to the Download Page for Bundle 1!
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1. How I Beat Emphysema/COPD in Sixs Weeks! (Includes FREE bonuses not shown in bundle) |
2. The Truth About … (Don't begin reading this e-book until after you've read up to page 59 in e-book 1.) |
3. Take Control of Your Health (Various natural treatment info, including about the treatment Jim did.) |
4. Natural Herbal Cures & Remedies – Natural Cures Your Doctor Never Told You About (for many conditions) |
5. The Complete Handbook of Nature's Cures – Naturapathic Treatments for Many Ailments, Illnesses & Conditions |
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Thank you for your purchase and support of
You're only minutes away from having your e-books and free bonuses
If you don't know what a zipped file is or how to download |
Your free bonuses are in appreciation for your support and to add exceptional
value to this bundle for you. You are receiving far more value than what you have invested.
We hope you enjoy and benefit from all this health & healing information as other people have.
You're in for quite a health & healing education …
a journey that few have the courage to begin. It takes courage to
step out of the box of mainstream medicine.
However, we have only to look back through human history to see that truth
and true human advancement (ideas, insights, innovations, inventions) have
often tended to come from outside established thought, belief and practice.
Human history is replete with examples of courageous thinkers & tinkerers
who (in varying degrees & ways) dared to challenge & change the world—
but were mocked by their societies and persecuted by their establishments, at first.
Like in other areas of endeavor, effective alternative doctors & natural healers
have been mocked by their peers and persecuted by their respective establishments—
and, for what?—for achieving real healing results that threatened the system.
We are indebted to such healing professionals for their courage, commitment
and persistence to advance real healing beyond mere symptom treating.
(Most of the public knows nothing of such cases, especially of the last 100 years.)
On the patient side, many a family fued has begun when one person has chosen
an alternative healing path for a seriously ill family member that opposes
their family doctor or specialist's direction. Family members & friends who
who trust too much in mainstream medicine have been
known to lash out with a vengeance against those who are considering
or have chosen a "crazy treatment" for their loved one.
It takes courage to:
– Question that which and those whom you have long trusted.
– Question, challenge and change your belief system.
– Stand against family and friends who often tend to
strongly disagree with alternative healing ideas.
But, as many people have discovered—learning about
alternative medicine & natural healing is an education and a journey
with many advantages and benefits; and what is to be gained far exceeds
the investment & effort that the path requires (learning & living it).
Just to know that there are many health & healing options for
chronic conditions, degenerative diseases and ailments beyond
those of the limitations and frequent harm of mainstream medicine
yields an inner peace and self-empowerment beyond measure!
Many people will never comprehend or appreciate this knowledge,
or realize its advantages and benefits.
For they have not the courage to begin to travel this path.
But YOU do have the courage to step out—and you are to be commended!
The information you're about to learn can begin to lay a foundation
of knowledge that can build your confidence and courage when family,
friends and even doctors may question your health & healing choices.
Before we get to the download here are 3 points regarding your free bonuses:
- It is recommended that you don't read any of The Truth About (free bonus) e-book until after you have read up to at least the end of Jim's story (page 37) in our e-book (How I Beat Emphysema/COPD in Six Weeks). To get a broader understanding of the natural substance and all the methods of its use, it is recommended that you read up to page 59 in our e-book before beginning to read The Truth About. (We have omitted the full title of the bonus e-book "The Truth About" because we want you to discover the name of the natural substance Jim and many others have used from our e-book via Jim's story; it's more interesting when Jim reveals it.)
- For the best learning experience, it is recommended that you do not read any of the other free bonus e-books until after you have read all of How I Beat Emphysema and COPD in Six Weeks because our e-book (beyond page 59) presents contexts for and references to some of the bonus treatments that should be read first. (Do not under estimate the value of these other treatments. Many people have experienced health & healing from these other treatments. The more we align with natural healing & health principles, the more we can strengthen our bodies which can enhance healing and bring restored health.)
- In the download folder "BasicBundle-FreeBonuses" there is a sub-folder named, "FREE-Bonuses-Listed-in-e-Book" which contains all the free bonus PDF's that correspond with our main e-book. Also in this folder, along with your free bonuses is a PDF titled, "ABOUT-REFERENCING-Your-Free-Bonuses.pdf." Please read this short page as it is about referencing your bonuses with the e-book.
Okay … Let's get to downloading your e-books and
starting your natural health & healing knowledge journey …
To unzip your e-books and read them on your computer, you will need two programs on your computer: 1) a zip/unzip program; and 2) a PDF Reader program. You probably already have these, and don't need to get them. Many computers come with them. If you don't have one or both of these, see "2 Needed Programs" at the bottom of this page for how to get such programs for FREE. It will only take a few minutes to download & install them.
Download & Unzip Instructions for iPad & iPhone Users, here are links to articles that explain unzipping and reading PDF's (they will open in new windows/tabs so you won't lose this download page):
MAC users, here are a couple links for you (they will open in new windows/tabs so you won't lose this download page):
Right Click Here to Download > Download Bundle 1 Now
Right click on the file, and then choose (by left click) "Save Link As." This will open a window to allow you to choose where on your computer the file will be downloaded to and saved. TIP: Make sure you know where you save the file. You can move the file or e-books later, if you'd like.)
This is a *zipped file that contains the bundle(s) you purchased. Depending upon the bundle you chose, each bundle is within its own folder as you will see after you unzip the file. The free bonus PDF's that correspond with How I Beat Emphysema/COPD in Six Weeks are in a sub-folder of the Basic Bundle. The "Bundle of Energy" free bonus e-books are in their own sub-folder of Bundle 1.
*What is a zipped file?
A zipped file is a file that contains a large file, or two or more digital files which may include folders that are "zipped" into one file. This one file is then compressed to reduce its size which increases its download/upload speed. Such files can be audio, video or e-books.
If you are new to downloading and zipped files, here are the steps (general for Windows):
- Right click on the zipped file (as and where stated above).
- Choose where to save the zipped file (as stated above), and wait for download to complete.
- Locate the downloaded zipped file on your computer.
- Right click on the zipped file and choose (by left click) "Extract All…" This will unzip the file and expand the folders (or "directories"). When the extraction wizard window prompts you, choosing the default location to extract to will place the unzipped folders in the same folder/directory that the zipped folder is located in. When the extraction or unzipping is complete, you will have both unzipped folders and the zipped file (the zipped file will remain). There will be a sub-folder within it containing the free bonuses.
- Once the folders are extracted/unzipped, simply locate the e-book you want to read and then double click on it to open it. Your PDF reader program should then automatically open the e-book for you.
- Enjoy reading your e-books.
- OPTIONAL: You can print out any of the PDF's/e-books with your printer, and place them in a 3-ring binder for reference and writing notes. You can even select only certain pages to print if you'd like.
2 Needed Programs (You probably already have):
You'll need 2 programs for unzipping your e-books and reading them on your computer:
(There are many of these programs available online, many of which have free versions.
If you need either of these programs, click on the links given below to get two of
the most common. It will only take a few minutes to download and install them.)
- After you download the zipped file above, you will need a zip/unzip program. You can get a FREE one here: WinZip
- After unzipping your folders & e-books, you will need a PDF reader program to open and read them. You can get one of the best and most common one for FREE at: Adobe
After you download these programs to your computer, you will need to double-click on them to install them to run on your computer. Just having it downloaded to your computer is not going to make the program operable; you have to install it after it's downloaded.
If you have any difficulties or questions, please feel free to e-mail us for support!
Health, Healing and Blessings to You!
PS: Optional: Other people who have purchased our ebooks have also purchased the below natural treatment to detox their lungs. The treatment Jim and others have used has been effective in itself; however, the below program offers additional methods/information that may speed or enhance the lung-cleansing processes. (Click on the image to view the website and see how this program detoxifies lungs and see their testimonials. When you click on the image it will open a new browser tab/window so you won't lose this download page.) . . .