Medical Quotes

Authoritative Medical Quotes
About Corruption in Mainstream Medicine
and that safe, effective & inexpensive alternative treatments
have long been systematically shut out of the medical establishment

Below are just a few of many authoritative quotes that assert corruption at the highest levels of the mainstream medical system. These few quotes here are namely about the cancer field (industry), but there are similar statements about most all areas of illness, chronic conditions and degenerative diseases. (Quotes about the cancer industry are used here as it is likely the largest medical ‘industry’ which is the most revealing.):

“There is not one, but many cures for cancer available.
But they are all being systematically suppressed by the ACS, the NCI
and the magor oncology centres. They have too much of an interest in the status quo.”

—Dr. Robert C. Atkins, M.D.

“Conventional cancer treatments are in place as the law
of the land because they pay, not heal, the best.”

—John Diamond, M.D. & Lee Cowden, M.D.

“We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people,
right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research
is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.”

—Glen Warner, M.D., oncologist

For many more qualified sources & quotes, there are four links toward the bottom of this page.

If you are an extreme skeptic, how can you explain such a broad diversity of
highly qualified sources all declaring similar perspectives?
(And don’t just take these few quotes on this page as
the links below have dozens and dozens more sources.)

Either these sources are lunatics or they are revealing truths and realities.
Logically, these accomplished professionals are not lunatics.
Further, their statements offer clear and logical explanations for the
mass annual death and harm rates that are facts beyond refute.

(Under ‘Articles‘ below, see report: “Death and Harm from Prescription Drugs”)

There are many highly qualified and authoritative sources that indicate, allude to or assert that corruption exists in the highest ranks of established Western medicine; this includes “Big Pharma” (the largest pharmaceutical companies) who are among the leading funding sources of research grants and advertising in mainstream media sources (i.e., magazines, TV ads, medical literature). In various words, it’s been said by good doctors, medical scientists and researchers that if research outcomes don’t support the agendas of the funding sources, funding tends to disappear.

According to qualified professional sources, the bottom line is that the funding sources at the top of the medical establishment’s power pyramid define, dictate and direct the lower, larger structure of the pyramid; this includes controlling what treatments and methods are taught in the medical schools and what is approved in the various fields of medicine. These qualified, independent and authoritative sources include medical doctors, scientists, researchers and investigative journalists.

Here is another highly qualified source:

“The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them.
It isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are
as different as night and day.”

—Dr. Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA

A former FDA Commissioner? You can’t get a more qualified source.
If there were only two or three such sources what they’re claiming could be discounted.

However, there are many, many more such qualified sources. And then, when you match
what they’re saying up with the annual harm and death
*statistics that has continued for decades—
it becomes clear that something must be wrong with the established medical science and system.
(*See report linked to below:
“Death and Harm from Prescription Drugs”)

What must be kept in mind is that the mass annual death and harm rates are
largely due to the reality that safe, effective, non-toxic and inexpensive alternative options
have been systematically shielded out of mainstream medicine for decades,
as many highly qualified sources have been claiming, for decades.

A foundational question is we must ask ourselves:
Will we believe the numerous, qualified whistleblowers who say
and point to better ways of health & real healing OR
will we believe those who attack the whistleblowers and defend the
medical status quo system that is producing mass death and harm every year?

Especially in light of the reality that alternative therapies produce countless healing successes
(like Jim, Anne and many others from various conditions & diseases have experienced)—
yet they are continually not acknowledged and have remained unsupported for decades—
a big question arises:
How can a ‘health & healing’ system keep producing mass harm & death every year—for decades?

Could the reality be that the system is not really about “health & healing” and protecting the
people (as the public [naturally] believes)? Could it be that profits over people is ruling the system?

Could the reality be, as the former FDA Commissioner said,
as different as night and day“?

As you will see, there are many facts and evidences that substantiate
the above statement by the former FDA Commissioner.

Many statements by these sources indicate that those at the highest levels who define, dictate and direct mainstream medicine may not be seeking the public’s best interests, but their own. From what these sources claim, there are many vested interests in the mainstream status quo which is perpetuated by the media (who gains big money from medical and pharmaceutical advertising), politicians, and medical schools. Evidently, there are vested interests that prefer real ‘cures’ not be found. Yet, the public is perpetually called upon to donate time and money to ‘find a cure’ for this or that disease—while there is no real intention to find cures … but to continue as usual with the status quo of mostly treating symptoms. That is, millions and millions of dollars are donated and raised for arthritis, cancer, diabetes, etc.—but evidently, as the facts, evidences and qualified sources say: there have been real effective treatments, even ‘cures’, that have long been demonstrated yet shielded out of the established medical system.

Why have and are such effective, non-toxic and safe treatments shielded out (while toxic and dangerous methods are continually approved or used)? Qualified sources like the late Dr. Robert Atkins, MD, and many more, say because many of these treatments are natural and therefore by law cannot be patented (to skyrocket prices), and therefore, they remain very inexpensive—thus, rendering them of no interest to the big financial interests. Further, effective treatments tend to address and eliminate causes of conditions and diseases and thus, tend to significantly reduce or eliminate symptoms. In a system that is largely funded & driven by symptom treating—such factors threaten the perpetuation of the system. An effective and inexpensive treatment for a given condition or disease would topple and cripple the given field, including its “parasite” (e.g., research & outreach) organizations.

Anyone who believes that these multi-million dollar agencies and organizations would allow their perpetual power and profit system to dry up for a one-time $20 cure is ignorant of human history and (the dark side of) human nature. (This is logic based on facts and evidences.) Yes, most people of the masses are not so selfish as to deprive good from their fellow human beings. And that’s one of the reasons such corruption has existed throughout human history—because most people who are not so selfish can’t believe that others can have such a lust for power, position, profit and prestige at the price of suffering & death of their fellow brothers and sisters. And it is these such selfish ones that, according to the facts, evidences, logic and qualfied sources—have been for decades and are still today—defining, dictating and directing the medical establishment (that many truly good and forward-thinking doctors and other medical professionals have been fighting against for decades [see quotes by a few of them below]).

(This is not to say that many, if not most, of all front-line mainstream doctors and other medical professionals do not truly care about the public and their patients. Most likely do, and they are appreciated. However, many of them likely little realize the limitations, harm and dangers of and produced by the mainstream medical box, and the many true healing results that occur outside the mainstream methods by alternative methods. [Some dedicated doctors may see or hear of occasional healings that defy mainstream medical scientific explanation; However, they tend to have little interest to investigate broader healing successes by alternative therapies on a broader scale that would reveal high correlations to certain treatments. Thus, they generally don’t perceive the cumulative evidences that substantiate the validity & value of a given treatment. Such has been the case for decades with the treatment Jim used—which has far exceeded lower level correlations—but has stood the test of time by even the rigors of Western medical science as documented in their own mainstream medical & scientific journals.]

There is something curious with doctors on the front-lines with patients, however: There are evidences of mainstream medical professionals (e.g., doctors & specialists) who, apparently, use various alternative & natural health & healing knowledge & methods themselves, personally—yet professionally, for some reason, do not share this information with their patients. For example, at a heart specialists convention a speaker asked the heart doctors if they personally used a certain substance that had been linked to better cardiovascular health. About 40% of the doctors raised their hands. Then, the speaker asked these doctors how many of them share that information with their patients—and only about 20% raised their hands. Why is such a substance safe and good enough for these doctors, but not enough for their patients? (I don’t recall the source and details at this time, but this is the basics of the account.)

(No, these real healings may not be ‘cures’ as mainstream medicine defines ‘cure’. But, by alternative medicine and natural healing substances, methods and treatments the reality is that many people have experienced a disappearance or reversal of causes and symptoms of their respective chronic conditions and degenerative diseases. The bottom line truth and reality is: Countless people have beat their health problems, even serious, late stage conditions—regardless of what it is called by the mainstream definition. [Evidently, definitions and theories can direct science, not necessarily toward truth and reality—but in directions the definers want it to go (e.g., managing symptoms), as our e-book discusses.]

(These mostly well-meaning mainstream professionals are practicing their professions from their mainstream education, training and regulations that is more limited and harmful than they likely realizeas the statistics show and that their professional (“whistle-blowing”) colleagues have claimed for years! [See “Medicine” page])

The independent claims as to high-ranking corruption are too many in quantity and similarity to be ignored. Here a few questions to ponder:

  • Why would the many such medical professionals who have gone against the grain of their professions stand to be professionally ridiculed and jeopardize their careers (as many have) if they weren’t convinced of the truth of their statements?
  • Why would so many independent sources arrive at similar conclusions, i.e., that there is major corruption in the system?
  • Why would such professionals go against the grain of the status quo if they didn’t truly care about their patients, the public and getting at truth and reality with REAL medical—health & healing—science?

Western mainstream medical science tends to believe and assert, often arrogantly, that it is “real” science, and that other forms are inferior. Yet, the mainstream science is producing mass harm and death annually. Mainstream medicine often labels alternative medicine and natural healing as ‘quackery,’ and that the public needs to be protected from quackery. Yet, it appears that mainstream medicine is actually producing far more harm and death (real quackery) annually than all of alternative medicine and natural healing combined.

Upon open minded investigation, the evidences, facts and diverse & qualified source clearly reveal that something has been for decades blocking safe, effective, non-toxic and inexpensive treatments from being supported in the mainstream medical system. And it is largely because such alternative options are unsupported and shielded out that the mass harm and death rates continue, year after year. (Case in point is that the treatment Jim used to beat his conditions has been demonstrated and documented safe and effective for over 100 years—yet it is still shut out of the mainstream medical system!)

For many more qualified sources and medical quotes about corruption and more, visit these websites:

Alternative Medical Doctor Quotes     |     FDA Quotes

Cancer Industry Critics (MD’s and others)     |     Medical Quotes (Many subjects & sources)

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