
*By 'forward-thinking' doctors we mean Western, mainstream medical doctors who have been open-minded enough to keep up with the times and real science that have long demonstrated that alternative medicine, natural healing and other forms of holistic health & healing that are far more safe and effective than mainstream medicine has long thought & taught.

There are many excellent and courageous doctors who have stepped out of the box of their mainstream medical training because they became dissillusioned and frustrated with the limitations and harm of many of mainstream medicine's drugs and methods, and looked into the effectiveness of and subsequently embraced alternative paradigms, philosophies and practices that are grounded in thousands of years of health & healing sciences including by the Chinese, Ayurveda and Hippocrates of ancient Greece who healed countless people 2500 years ago. Hippocrates is called the 'Father of Modern Medicine.' He was exceptional at healing back then; and by his healing philosophy and practices and results*. Evidently, Hippocrates was far more forward-thinking than today's mainstream medicine. (*See article below: 'Death and Harm from Prescription Drugs' for modern medicine's annual results.)

Such 'forward-thinking' doctors have learned the real health & healing wisdom of using both types of sciences and can employ the strengths of each on a case by case basis. One of the great things about alternative medicine & natural healing is, however, that many therapies can be done without a doctor or medical supervision, such as countless people have done with the main treatment this site and e-book are about. But, in cases when a doctor is needed, wouldn't you prefer a doctor who is knowledgeable and supportive of alternative medicine & natural healing?

(Most all of the treatments, therapies and remedies in our e-books have been and can be done without medical supervision. Countless people have reported healing successes by them. One of the philosophical points of most alternative medicine & natural healing is to enlighten, educate & empower people so they need doctors less and less. The world needs and appreciates doctors, but as we the people empower ourselves with real health & healing knowledge, the truth is: we don't need doctors as much as most people think we do.)

We've been led to believe that the latest is the greatest. This may be true for computers and cell phones, but when it comes to real health & healing (as opposed to symptom treating and treatments that are often too invasive—the principles of real health & healing are timeless! Yes, there are frequently new discoveries in alternative medicine from new technologies and understanding—but these new practices that are truly safe and effective—are generally always in alignment with the ancient paradigms and philosophies of health & healing of and by Nature.

Too long has mainstream medicine tended to treat the patient basically in a one-dimensional manner: as a physical body with a list of symptoms. The truth and reality has been abundantly demonstrated that the mind, emotions, attitude, belief and many other subjective factors are just as, and often are, more important when it comes to healing than the physical body alone! For example, thought, memories and emotions have been scientifcally documented to significantly raise or lower white blood cell counts from baseline. And fear can produce negative hormones that are associated with disease.

Another limitation of mainstream medicine: Most mainstream drugs and treatments treat specific symptoms, a drug for this and one for that; and then another drug or two for complications or side-effects. (Before long, in such cases, a downward spiral of dependency may be created which tends to further weaken the body's systems to ever bring healing and restore health, as Nature in our bodies can and is designed to do.)

One MD who later expanded his philosophy and practice to include alternative therapies put it something like, "Western, mainstream medical training teaches specifics for specifics. However, alternative and natural therapies often are general treatments that often can and do address multiple causes that eliminate multiple symptoms. General treatments to address multiple specific symptoms goes against the logic of their mainstream/orthodox training." Yet, this is the reality that Jim and many others have experienced: a single natural treatment can often eliminate multiple symptoms—regardless of what mainstream medicine says. Jim's son did the same treatment with him and his son's allergies were eliminated!

One more limitation, or faulty logic, of mainstream medicine: Many drugs and other treatments (i.e., chemotherapy or radiation for cancer) are not healthy or are even toxic or poisonous to our bodies. (Some may be beneficial if done short term and in certain situations; however, many are done on too broad a scale as many forward-thinking doctors and specialists assert.) In reference to toxic drugs & treatments (i.e., chemo & radiation for cancer) for ill people, one doctor said something like, "If something is not good for you when you are well, why in the world would it be good for you when you are sick?!" With reference to cancer, many people have totally eliminated/reversed their cancer with natural methods only that were non-toxic and were very healthy.

This list includes a mainstream doctor at a large hospital who, after being diagnosed with breast cancer—refused the three mainstream methods of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. She knew the dangers of these methods, stepped out of the limited box of her training, learned natural healing—and totally healed herself of breast cancer! She has been cancer free for years now and more healthy than ever! She is now one of the many, and growing number of forward-thinking doctors who has embraced alternative medicine and natural healing for herself and to the benefit of many others. The point is: Non-toxic, even healthy treatments, can and should be used far more than they are. The treatment Jim and countless others have used is non-toxic and healthy for virtually anyonewhether sick or healthy!

As you will see on our site and in our e-book(s), alternative medicine & natural healing are of a different scientific paradigm—and this paradigm in many types of illnesses, conditions and diseases is far safer and more effective than many mainstream methods. You'll soon know what kinds of conditions, how and why.

Mainstream medicine asserts that the paradigm of alternative is not 'real' science, and that many of the practices of alternative medicine are 'unproven,' 'unsafe,' and/or are 'ineffective.' Yet, many FDA approved and 'safe' drugs and treatments are killing hundreds of thousands and seriously harming millions more—annually! (See detailed report below: "Death and Harm from Prescription Drugs.") Alternative medicine and natural healing may incur some harm, generally only if done incorrectly. There aren't records for alternative medicine like there are for those used for compiling the above report. But their harm rate is likely not even a fraction of the harm and death that mainstream methods have been producing annually for decades.

Further, countless people have been healed by alternative methods that mainstream medicine said was impossible. Further still, countless people have been healed from a diversity of conditions and diseases—even in their final stages, after their mainstream doctors and specialists had given up on them! Such was the case with Jim.

One of the world's most effective alternative doctors who is sought out by celebrities and wealthy people says that there are no incurable illnesses, conditions or diseases. In our main e-book as one of the many free bonuses you will get FREE access to an e-book of his about these topics.

For more on these topics and 'forward-thinking' doctors see pages (by clicking above): Quotes, Medicine, Regeneration and the article below, "10 Advantages of Alternative Medicine & Natural Healing."

Are you ready to learn Jim's story and the treatment he did that restored his life, and much more?

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