More about my life-restoration story

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Jim riding horse 19 years after he beat emphysema-copdThankfully, because of this treatment I discovered and did in 1986 I was not one of the thousands of annual casualties of emphysema/COPD! If you’re seeking the same, you’re likely here because you are seeking options beyond the limitations, dependency and dangers of many mainstream medical methods. You owe it to yourself and your family to learn about this treatment as one of your options before you make a choice; for only when we are informed can we make the best choices.

This treatment’s long history of medical documentation, healing successes and the logic behind it were enough to convince me to try it in 1986. And now, before you, is the opportunity to make an informed choice, yourself.

I’ve gladly shared my story and this treatment with many people over the years since 1986; and now that it’s all in a book (e-book), you have the opportunity to learn it all today.

In fact, thanks to Alan (you’ll meet him back on the Home page) who helped me write and produce this e-book … 

You’ll have much more information than I did in 1986 about this treatment
and other related health & healing subjects before I chose to try it.

As I’ve said, I can’t express how grateful I’ve been to have received a second chance at life! I’m especially thankful that I’ve not only been able to know my grandchildren, but that throughout the years since, I was not merely alive and bound to a wheelchair existence, but was actually able to be relatively active. I’m so glad that my grandchildren all have great memories of Papa doing things with them!

Aren’t you hoping for the same? … A restored life, with some energy and strength to enjoy life and be active with family and friends?

The treatment I did may be the best chance you have for emphysema/COPD and arthritis as it is one of the most effective and documented alternative treatments.

Well, this is what I experienced, a restored life. I’m not saying I was always energetic over the years since, but I was far from being wheelchair-bound or always on the couch, and I didn’t have to drag an oxygen tank around. For more than 20 years after I beat these conditions I was about as energetic and active as I was a few years before I was diagnosed. And, given that I had one foot in the grave for a while in 1986—I was doing very well!

Are you suffering, in pain, weak, oxygen-challenged, energy-depleted, fearful, anxious, depressed, feeling hopeless—looking for hope, and a possible solution?

If so, I’ve been where you are and arrived where you are hoping to go: an extended life!

Since my life was restored, I have always enjoyed telling my story of how I beat emphysema/COPD to pretty much anyone who cared to hear it.

There’s too much to my story to say it all here, so here’s the basics from the beginning …

Back in 1986, I was weak, fearful, discouraged and hopeless … just months away from death … with no solution in sight. My doctor had done everything he could do—and then, eventually gave up on me. He told me if I changed my lifestyle (especially smoking) I could have up to two years to live; but if I didn’t change, I would have at the longest six months.

I had become so weak physically, mentally and emotionally that I didn’t even have the will to fight for my life, especially changing my lifestyle. At that point, my skin color was blue-ish due to a lack of oxygen. My wife and teen-age son and daughter wanted to help, but there was nothing they could do. With no hope in sight … I had resolved to die.

But then something happened, and everything began to change, and quickly …

I discovered a little-known treatment that would soon change the course of my life …
more accurately—that would put me back ON the course of life—and greatly extend it! A real second chance! . . .

One day, in the shopping mall close to our home, my wife ran into an old friend of ours who happened to be into alternative medicine and natural remedies. After my wife told her about my recent condition, our friend told my wife of a treatment that had helped many people for a quite a few diseases and conditions, including emphysema and COPD.

This treatment was (and still is) little-known to most people, including doctors. Most professionals in mainstream medicine, especially then, knew little to nothing about it. Recall that my doctor didn’t know anything about it. However, thousands of people had used treatment successfully, often with amazing results. Upon learning of this treatment from our friend, my wife soon gathered some information about it and bought some of this natural stuff. This stuff is sometimes difficult to find, but if you can’t get it locally you’ll be able to order it. (Our e-book gives sources and resources for you.) It costs about $18 – $20 USD.

As we read about this treatment and of many testimonials from it—hope began to arise in me … at least enough to try it. What did I have to lose?! As most people would think about this sort of thing, “It sounded too good to be true!” I thought that, too, at first … but the information was too solid; it was be high quality and authoritative sources, and there were just too many positive testimonials to ignore.

Weak, and getting weaker, I soon began doing this simple treatment at home.

What we discovered about this treatment when we were first learning about it was nothing short of amazing, especially since it was so little-known. I began pondering the questions most people would have in my situation: Why didn’t my doctor know about this? If this really works, Why don’t all doctors use it? Why isn’t this all over the news and media?

Within three days of beginning this treatment—my energy and strength began to quickly return! My skin color was no longer blue-ish. On the third day, I actually felt like working—and did work for a few hours, though my wife tried to discourage me. (We had our own business.) It was incredible! As quickly as I had been degenerating prior to this treatment—I was now being restored! Each day thereafter, I was feeling better, stronger, and working longer.

My family and friends were as amazed as I was!

About six weeks after I began this treatment, I returned to my doctor for a check-up. He was amazed to see me doing so well. He ran some tests and, after looking over everything, he said: “Whatever you’ve been doing—keep doing it! Your lungs are 70% clear!”

It seems that most emphysema/COPD sufferers who use an oxygen tank and/or medications don’t ever really improve; they just seem to maintain or get worse, though maybe slower. But this simple treatment had quickly reversed my emphysema/COPD, cleaned my lungs by 70%–and restored my life–in just 6 weeks!

Besides regaining my life, a couple other things were amazing about my experience with this treatment . . .

  1. I did this simple treatment only one time, daily, for the duration of the program. I could have repeated it through the years, occasionally, or stayed on the  maintenance treatment, as some people do, but I didn’t.
  2. Soon after I finished the duration of the treatment, I realized I experienced one side-effect: I realized that my arthritis had totally disappeared! I like that kind of side-effect! I’ve never had any pain from arthritis since!

My arthritis disappearing had to be from this treatment because it was the only thing I did differently, and the relief occurred during this same time period. During my reading about this treatment when I first learned of it, I had read that it was also an effective treatment for arthritis, and other conditions. But at that time I was far more concerned about my emphysema/COPD, so I wasn’t really aware that my arthritis was disappearing until sometime later. Again, what a great side-effect!

Well, that’s the basics of my health and life restoration story. The details and the  exact treatment I used are in our e-book, and much more. Though this treatment is very simple and takes only minutes a day, there is much to learn about it before even starting it.

This treatment is so basic to health and healing—virtually anyone can do it for prevention illness or for healing some illnesses, for strengthening the immune system, for increasing energy.

The bottom line is: This treatment has worked for thousands of people for many health conditions and diseases, including emphysema and COPD! Again, successes and benefits of it have been abundantly documented even in the mainstream medical and scientific journals. Our e-book will reveal its overwhelming credibility, guaranteed! This treatment literally saved my life, and I thank God for it!

Again, if you are suffering from emphysema/COPD, I know what you’re likely going through: weakness, suffering, fear, hopelessness. With your permission, I’d like to share my life-restoration story with you today . . .

If you need some hope, encouragement, guidance and education—get your copy of our e-book now to get my full story, the treatment I used, and much more. With our money-back guarantee—you have nothing to lose and much health & healing knowledge to gain!

Remember, my doctor didn’t know about this treatment, yet he cared enough about me and my family to encourage me to continue doing what he knew was working! I’m so thankful that I didn’t follow his original recommendation, which was basically: Go home and prepare to die.

I am thankful I quickly educated myself on it, chose to try it, and took action back in 1986. My family and I benefited big-time!

Are you an action taker like I was in 1986?

If so, you can be reading our e-book in only minutes from now!

One thing about alternative medicine and natural remedies is that they require you to gain some knowledge, to think for yourself and to take some responsibility for your health. My family and I were rewarded for many years because of my one choice and action!

May you find the healing & health you’re seeking!

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